Pre School

At Rainbows Promise we accept children from 6 weeks to 5 years. As a Christian based school, it is important to us to create an environment where all children can grow, be encouraged and feel accepted.

Our well trained care-givers consistently strive to create a nurturing, happy and caring environment for all our children.

We have four pre-school classes that care for our children. 


The Beautiful Birds Class Nursery (6 weeks – 1 year)

Class activities include satisfying the basic needs of an infant, namely feeding (milk & beginning stages of solids), sleep, and hygiene (nappy changing). First stage of playtime development.


The Musical Mouse Class (1 – 2yrs)

Class activities follow on from the basic satisfying of needs from the infant class as well as incorporating a morning ring (prayer, story time and singing) parallel & outdoor play and teaching/encouraging new social skills such as eating independently.


The Cheerful Crocs Class (+/- 2yrs – potty training class)

Class activities are more structured and include morning bible reading & prayer, story time, class work (painting, drawing, puzzles, play dough & movement/dancing). Healthy social skills are encouraged and taught (e.g. sharing/taking turns, shared sympathy & respect for peers)

Potty training is encouraged once the toddler shows any sign of interest.


The Dancing Ducks (3yrs) & The Genius Giraffes (4 yrs)

Structured class activities incorporating fine motor skills, hand eye coordination, memory training, development of listening skills and the development & stimulation of the conscience based on Christian principles.


Want to get more information about our school or would like to see it for yourself, feel free to schedule a tour.

Come visit us today!